“We unite people and organizations to protect Sierra Nevada ecosystems and communities.”

-Sierra Nevada Alliance (SNA)

Project PCT

What is Project PCT?

Alchemy Lab has teamed up with the Sierra Nevada Alliance to combine our efforts toward the promotion of wilderness conservation! For our fundraiser, we are hiking 2,650 miles along the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) from Mexico into Canada! During the hike, we are sharing this story through weekly blog updates so that you can follow along from home. After completing the hike, we will be creating a film focused on both adventure and conservation as we use the story of our PCT thru-hike to reach an audience of thousands worldwide. Are you interested in following along? Subscribe to our newsletter so that you never miss an update!


The objective is to use this story to spread awareness and help the SNA raise funding that will be used to preserve natural resources found in the Sierra Nevada. We set up a charity page where 100% of donations will be sent directly to the SNA. Click the “Donate” link to contribute and help us reach our goal of $10,000!

Help Alchemy Lab Grow

To contribute directly to Alchemy Lab, and help us offset the cost of this fundraiser, please consider visiting our store! Profits will help us expand and continue to help other organizations like the SNA. If you own a business and would like to align yourself with our mission, please visit our “Sponsors” page to see how you can contribute!

What is the PCT?

The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) stretches from the Mexican border in Southern California to the Canadian border in Northern Washington. At 2,650 miles in length, the trail meanders through 700 miles of desert, and nearly 2,000 miles of alpine terrain. A large portion of this section is in the Sierra Nevada! Every year, thousands of ambitious adventurers set off in an attempt to hike it from end to end. Only a small percentage are successful. Few make it to the end after battling exhaustion, injury, terrain, forest fires, drought, winter, and more. This expedition on average takes roughly 4-6 months. "Thru-hikers", as they are known, typically make this journey unsupported and take only with them what they are able to carry. It's a monumental undertaking before considering the camera equipment needed to make a worthwhile film production. Showers are few and far between, diets consist of the most high-calorie and lightweight combination of ingredients possible (candy bars), and sleep is achieved while being completely exposed to the elements. Sounds like a blast, doesn’t it? If this sounds like an adventure that you would enjoy reading about, remember to subscribe to our newsletter so that you never miss a blog post!

Follow along on the Alchemy Blog for weekly updates of the hike!