Riordan Cicciu


Being a South Florida native, I naturally took well to the water at a young age. My early childhood was mostly spent collecting sea shells, diving, and surfing. In college, I studied navigation and ship handling at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and obtained an unlimited license that allowed me to work as a navigation officer aboard massive cargo vessels. For a brief time, I used my license to sail around the world on enormous container ships. Ultimately, I decided to end my career as a sailor prematurely in pursuit of something a bit more adventurous, if there is such a thing. Next, I worked as an international outdoor adventure guide and began taking groups of tourists on luxurious yet physically demanding vacations in foreign countries that I hadn’t been to prior. Now, I’m ready for my next endeavor. Using my love of travel, the great outdoors, and my overwhelming urge to experience the world around me, I aim to inspire others to pursue their curiosity and creativity while building a community of achievers who stand for something bigger than themselves. Are you interested?