Everyone is an Alchemist.

Alchemy is a medieval practice that was largely focused on the belief that common elements could be transformed into something consisting of far more value. Although this archaic art was predominantly practiced with the intention of turning lead into gold, we believe that these predecessors to modern chemistry were onto something a bit more profound. Everyone has the potential to transform themselves from their base, into a version that is both remarkable and marketable. The key to this dynamic shift is different from person to person. Yet, it can always be found through experience. What experience you might ask? That is for you to discover. It doesn’t have to be crazy or dangerous, but it does need to be something that you enjoy and take pride in. The pursuit of passion brings a sense of fulfillment to one’s life. This sense of fulfillment is a source of fuel like no other. You might be familiar with the common saying that “If you love something, don’t do it for money”. Although we see why one might feel this way, we find it to be misleading as well as limiting. We argue that if you love something, there is no reason why you can’t monetize it.

By partnering with organizations that stand for noble causes, we at Alchemy Lab, intend to prove this philosophy through our own experiences. Join in on the adventure, and follow along to see what is in store.

Riory Cicciu